Who We Are

At El Bethel, we are a determined people, committed to living life on Purpose. We believe that everybody is somebody special and we thank you for visiting our website. Our worship services are Scriptural, Spiritual, and Structural. They are designed to reach up to God and reach out to man – giving Honor to one and help to the other! We do what we do on Purpose. Specifically, we Worship on Purpose, Fellowship on Purpose, are Disciples on Purpose, Serve on Purpose and Witness on Purpose. We invite you to use your S.H.A.P.E.
To help develop and uplift the Holy Kingdom of God…on Purpose! To learn more about our beliefs please contact us and either Pastor Glass or a member of the Christian Education ministry would be happy to answer your questions.
Our Pastor: Rev. Dr. Lawrence C. Glass, JR.

Pastor Glass acknowledged his call into the ministry on December 4, 1979. He was ordained on June 29, 1980. During his tenure at New Mt. Moriah (1977-1987), Pastor Glass held several positions including Superintendent of the Sunday School, Deacon and Associate Minister.
He has two children that he loves dearly, Jennifer M. and Daniel J.
He attended William Tyndale Bible College from 1983-1991. Pastor Glass continues to refresh and renew his spiritual walk with ongoing reading materials and seminars.
In January 1987, Pastor Glass united with Christ Baptist Cathedral (CBC) under the leadership of then Pastor J. Douglas Wiley where he assumed the Assistant Pastor role and was overseer of the Learning Center.
Pastor Glass was called to the pastorate of El Bethel Baptist Church on Friday, June 15, 1990. He preached his first pastoral message on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17, 1990.
On August 15, 2013 Pastor Glass received his Doctrine of Divinity from the New Covenant University.
Under his leadership El Bethel quickly became the church, “Where the Presence of God Makes Everybody, Somebody Special.” The church has grown from approximately 65 to well over 2500.
The services are filled with Insight, Inspiration, Instruction, and Empowerment. The Praise and Worship services are designed to reach up to God and reach out to man; while giving honor to One and help to the other.
Pastor Glass is a dynamic, energetic and internationally known preacher and teacher who has the ability to expound on the scriptures with simple elegance. His ability to take traditional precepts and transform them into contemporary practices helps El Bethel to remain real and relevant to saints and sinners of our day. His desire to make worship available to all has led El Bethel to three services each Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:15pm.
His pastoral associates have labeled him with the following – a man of integrity, a man of commitment, a man of compassion and a visionary. He has a fun personality and a great love for God’s people. “PG” as he is affectionately known has a profound ability to relate to the young and the old alike. He promotes Christian unity and family values.
Pastor Glass has implemented many ministries and restructured many existing ministries at El Bethel Church that he senses are from God. He believes that Great Challenges demands Great Faith that brings Great Changes and Great Glory to God! His time thus far at El Bethel has been filled will Great Accomplishments that were the result of Great Challenges.
El Bethel has many accomplishments that are important. We are particularly proud of the purchasing, remodeling and expansion of the property at our former locations 15340 Puritan, 15400 Puritan and 16100 Greenfield. Under Pastor Glass’ leadership and guidance El Bethel was able to sell these former properties and move to the current edifice at 25295 Grand River Ave. Since the move there has been major renovations to better serve the ministry. Currently, we are embarking on another major capital campaign where we will become debt-free.
Pastor Glass’ secret weapon is his prayer life and that of his 300+ Prayer Warriors who partners with him to fast and pray for him, his family, the church members and El Bethel ministry every day and every hour of the day. The El Bethel Church family has been blessed spiritually, physically, and financially by the anointing that the Lord has placed on Pastor Glass’ life and ministry as he minds the master and ministers to mankind throughout the city and the nation.
The El Bethel Church family continues to believe and witness that Pastor Glass has the courage of Joshua, the strength of David, the faith of Paul, the prayer life of Daniel, the wisdom of Solomon and he fears the Lord like Job. He is a man of God, unmoved by Satan, yet determined through the direction of the Holy Spirit to carry out the vision of the ministry given to him concerning our El Bethel Church family by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We celebrate God leading El Bethel another year through the Man and Ministry of Lawrence C. Glass Jr.!
- Senior Pastor of El Bethel Church
- Former International President of the Kingdom Builders Pastors & People International (KBPPI)
- Third Vice President of the B.M.E. State Convention
- Member of the Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit and Vicinity. Served in the following positions:
- Program Committee Chairman,
- Treasurer
- Financial Secretary
- Vice President
- President
- Member of the Redford Ministerial Alliance
- Community Advisory Liaison, DTE

Online giving is a safe and easy way to support the ministries of El Bethel. We have two options for you, Givelify and Stewardship Technologies. This system enables you to support the church by making a one-time contribution or establishing a recurring contribution.
Benefits of Giving Online
There are several benefits to online giving for both you and the church:
- First Fruits – In Proverbs 3:9 we are taught to honor the Lord with the “First Fruits” of our labor. By setting up a recurring contribution that is scheduled to come out of your account on the day you specify you can ensure that your First Fruits are given back to God.
- Simplicity – You will not need to remember if you gave this month or send in your offering checks when you are out of town.
- Security – Online giving is more secure than giving with a check in that an electronic gift can’t be lost or stolen.
- No Distractions – Instead of needing to worry about writing your contribution check during the service, you can be fully engaged with the worship service, knowing that you have already given your offering.
- Helping El Bethel – It is more cost effective for the church to process online contributions. In addition, it also simplifies the financial records the church needs to keep.
Ministries for Mankind
Christian Education Ministry
Vacation Bible School
Couples Ministry
Culinary Arts Ministry
Deacons Ministry
Deaconess Ministry
To provide assistance to the Pastor and those responsible for carrying out the ordinances of the church, which are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Disciples In Development (D.I.D.)
To focus on the overall spiritual development of the whole child. To meet every child’s social, emotional and physical need with creative ways of “teaching” God’s Word. To use all of the child’s senses that include touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing.
Fish Keepers Ministry
To welcome new members into our church family and encourage all of our members to complete the New Members Class and get involved in ministry as God leads them.
Health Ministry
Helping Hands Ministry
To minister to members during times of illness, bereavement or other times of distress.
Hospitality Ministry
To serve as premier host, welcoming one and all to our fellowship and making them feel as part of our family.
Men’s Ministry
To assist the men of El Bethel in bringing unity through total obedience to God; to accomplish His purpose as we live a life that is passionate about serving God and His people.
Mission Outreach Ministry
To develop a ministry that will spread the Good News of Christ’s blessings to those that are beyond the four walls of El Bethel and to look for opportunities to minister to those in need of spiritual blessings and knowledge that may not otherwise be afforded to them.
Mothers Ministry
To encourage women to be humble women of God worthy of respect, temperate and trustworthy in everything. To demonstrate the wisdom of a soldier who has been in this Christian race for many seasons.
Music Ministry
To minister the Word of God and represent the cause of Christ through our music in order to motivate the congregation to long for a closeness with God.
Nurses Ministry
To ensure that the Pastor and Associate Ministers are refreshed and revived and to attend to the needs of members of the congregation during emotional periods.
Pastoral Care Ministry
Prayer Partners Ministry
To keep a channel of information open with God regarding our Pastor, leaders and congregation. To maintain a border of prayer around our Pastor, leaders and congregation 365 days a year that we might hear from heaven and follow God’s direction.
Recovery Outreach Ministry
To assist in improving the quality of life for anyone who has or thinks they may have an addiction or addictive lifestyle addressing alcohol, drugs, gambling, overeating, or sex. To provide relief through a self-help Christian-based 12 step group and make information available for other related groups and treatment centers.
Seasoned Saints Ministry
To set an example for the younger generation inspiring them to follow in the footsteps of Christ.
Security Ministry
To endeavor to provide security for the congregation and their vehicles during the time of worship. To lift up the name of Jesus as we serve in love, faith, and unity.
Signing Ministry
To assist in spreading the Word and Ministry of God to members who are hearing impaired that they are blessed by the worship experience.
Special Events Ministry
To coordinate various fellowships and annual day activities of our church family and to ensure that these fellowships are carried out with a true Christian-like spirit decently and in order that all may feel welcome and involved.
Technology Ministry
To ensure that the spiritual essence of our worship service is captured via various forms of audio, video and computer technology in a quality manner.
Trustees Ministry
To be accountable to God and man for the legal business side of this ministry. To ensure that the church is in accordance with the laws of this land where they do not violate our beliefs of Scripture. To receive and oversee the counting of all church gifts (tithes & offerings) and to ensure that these gifts are deposited into the proper accounts in an expeditious manner.
Transportation Ministry
To ensure that members who utilize the Van will feel comfortable and safe when asking for transportation to and from church related functions.
Ushers Ministry
To provide warm, caring, and loving service to all members and visitors with a humble servant’s attitude by greeting warmly, meeting cordially, and treating lovingly.
Wings Ministry
To assist women in bringing unity in the Spirit through total obedience to God. As we touch one another accomplishing His purpose for our lives and live a life that is passionate about serving God and His people.
Youth / Young Adult Ministry
To strive to live life on purpose. We will GET OTHERS to know Christ through Evangelism; We will GET FOCUSED on what makes God proud through Worship; We will GET TOGETHER with Christian friends through Fellowship; We will GET RIGHT by learning from God’s Word through Discipleship; and We will GET INVOLVED by using the gifts God has given us through Ministry”
Essence of Praise
Ministry in Motion
MIME Ministry
Contact Us
25295 Grand River Ave
Monday – Friday
10:00 am until 4:00 pm
(313) 952-2143