If my people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and heal their land!
Father I am so grateful that I belong to you, that You allow me to be a part of “your people”, I get to be called by Your Name.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity and the grace to Humble myself before You and others. You could and sometimes do humble me. But I am grateful that You allow me to humble myself.
Thank You for the privilege of Praying and calling unto you. The privilege of casting all of my cares upon you, because You care for me. Thank You Father that prayer isn’t just about You allowing me an audience with You, but You allowing me an opportunity to seek your face and know Your Will and Heart for me, even today!
Thank You Father for another chance to turn away from my wicked ways, my Attitudes and Activities that are far from Your Will for me.
I am so Grateful that You promised that if I did my part, that you would do your part and Hear my prayers, Forgive my sins, and Heal my Life and Land!